
Grandparent's Teachings

Grandparent's Teachings

The compassion of a people is cultivated at a grandmother's knees.

Zimbabwean Proverb


The proverb emphasizes the influential role that grandparents, specifically grandmothers, play in shaping the compassionate nature of a community or society.

Metaphorically, "a grandmother's knees" symbolize the guidance, wisdom, and nurturing provided by grandmothers. It implies that the teachings and values passed down from grandmothers to younger generations have a profound impact on the empathy and compassion exhibited by the people within a community.

The proverb suggests that grandmothers, through their care, love, and life experiences, instill important virtues such as kindness, understanding, and compassion in their grandchildren. Their influence extends beyond immediate family relationships and contributes to the broader compassionate fabric of a society.

Furthermore, the proverb acknowledges the intergenerational transfer of wisdom and moral values. It recognizes the unique bond between grandparents and grandchildren, emphasizing the role of elders in shaping the character and behavior of younger generations.

Overall, the proverb underscores the significance of nurturing and compassionate guidance provided by grandmothers in fostering a kind and caring society. It highlights the profound impact that the teachings and example of grandmothers can have on shaping the collective compassion of a people.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.