
Friend's Shoulder

Friend's Shoulder

Crying is useless if you have no friends who will listen.

Angolan Proverb


It conveys the idea that expressing one's emotions or seeking support through tears is futile if there is no one available or willing to provide a listening ear or offer comfort.

Metaphorically, "crying" represents the act of releasing emotions or sharing one's feelings, while "friends who will listen" symbolize individuals who are compassionate, understanding, and willing to provide support.

The proverb suggests that having a support system and trustworthy friends who are willing to lend an empathetic ear is crucial for emotional well-being. It emphasizes the importance of social connections and the value of having someone to confide in during challenging times.

In the absence of such supportive friends, the proverb implies that crying or expressing emotions may feel ineffective or lonely. It serves as a reminder of the significance of genuine friendships and the need for human connection in times of emotional distress.

Overall, the proverb highlights the notion that having compassionate and attentive friends who are there to listen can make a difference in one's ability to cope with and process emotions. It underscores the importance of nurturing relationships and fostering a sense of community for emotional well-being.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.