
People Fight for Value

People Fight for Value

Big people do not quarrel over small vegetables, unless they are tasty.

Ugandan Proverb


The saying expresses the idea that individuals of higher status or maturity tend to overlook trivial matters, unless there is something valuable or desirable involved.

Metaphorically, "big people" symbolize those who possess wisdom, experience, or a higher level of maturity, while "small vegetables" represent insignificant or minor issues. The proverb suggests that these "big people" do not engage in conflicts or disputes over trivial matters because they recognize the importance of focusing on more significant or substantial aspects of life.

However, the proverb also adds the caveat "unless they are tasty," implying that even individuals who are typically mature and composed can be tempted or enticed by something appealing or worthwhile. In this context, "tasty" refers to something of value or benefit that might arise from the seemingly insignificant issue, which could potentially spark a quarrel or dispute among even the "big people."

Overall, the proverb encourages individuals to prioritize their energy and attention on matters that truly matter, rather than getting caught up in petty disagreements. It serves as a reminder to maintain perspective and discernment when deciding whether to engage in conflicts, particularly over inconsequential matters.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.