
Drunk People Reveal Secrets

Drunk People Reveal Secrets

It is what is in the heart when there is no wine in the head that comes out when there is wine in the head.

Nigerian Proverb


This proverb suggests that alcohol does not create new feelings or behaviors in a person, but rather amplifies and reveals what is already present in their heart and mind. The phrase implies that a person's true nature is revealed when they are under the influence of alcohol, as it lowers their inhibitions and allows their innermost thoughts and feelings to surface.

In essence, the proverb underscores the importance of self-awareness and personal integrity. It suggests that a person's true character is revealed not by their behavior when they are sober, but by their behavior when they are intoxicated. If a person is kind, honest, and loving when they are sober, they are likely to exhibit these qualities when they are drunk as well. Conversely, if a person is rude, selfish, or violent when they are sober, they are likely to exhibit these negative traits when they are drunk as well.

Moreover, the proverb also implies that alcohol can have a negative impact on a person's behavior and relationships if they have negative tendencies or emotions buried within. If a person is harboring negative feelings or emotions, such as anger or jealousy, these feelings may come to the surface when they are under the influence of alcohol, leading to negative and potentially destructive behavior.

In summary, the proverb emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, personal integrity, and responsible drinking. It suggests that alcohol does not create new behaviors or emotions in a person, but rather amplifies and reveals what is already present within them. By being mindful of their thoughts and feelings, and by practicing responsible drinking, individuals can ensure that their behavior is consistent with their true character, both when they are sober and when they are under the influence of alcohol.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.